1992 bmw 318is driver side tail lights are not working. I changed the bulb and checked fuses and it still would not work. What else could it be? Thank you for any and all help!|||Clean out the sockets for the bulbs with electrical contact cleaner. Make sure there%26#039;s no rust or corrosion. If there is, clean it up with emery paper (the black sort of sandpaper). Make sure the solder connections between the wires and the sockets are all good. If the sockets are badly corroded, you may need to replace them.
Once everything is clean, use some dielectric grease to protect against corrosion, and reinsert the bulbs. Make sure you%26#039;re using quality bulbs (as noted by the other poster).|||Hey. I have a 2000 318is and my dad is big on cars and knows basically everything there is to know. I kept having the same issue with my tail lights as well and I believe he found out that it was something with the fuses. I know you said you checked yours already, in that case it might just be because it%26#039;s an older car. It%26#039;s a common problem for the tail lights to burn out quickly in those cars.|||The BMW tail lights and turn signals have bulbs in them with a copper/gold base (the part that plugs into the housing).....you probably bought replacement bulbs with a cheap aluminum base, which shorts out all the time (I had the same problem years back on my 1992 318is also.)..........use only the more expensive ones (they%26#039;re about $2.00 more, big deal !) even if you have to buy it from the dealer directly.....PS.......watch out for that timeing chain tensioner....it%26#039;s a ***** to pay for.