i have changed out the bulbs and checked the fuse. My brake lights work but the parking lights dont.
92 camry what can be the problem on the tail lights?
Do the front park lights work fine? How about the dash lights? U may find the problem is in the lightswitch stem assembly. A simple repair for now is to run a light grade insulated wire within the fusebox from the accesories fuse to the parklights fuse. This should give you taillights evry time the car is running - like a Volvo! If this doesnt get them working, then the issue is in the light assembly, not the switch or wiring. Of course, im assuming u are using the correct bulbs - 5-21s or similar 2-way globes. Best of luck, Camrys are great bulletproof cars
92 camry what can be the problem on the tail lights?
have you checked all fuses?..