95 honda civic coupe, fuse box dosent have a panel over it, in car
My rear tail lights are out and i changed all the bulbs, if its a fuse problem what fuse is it do i change?
check your owners manual. It will tell you the exact fuse you need to check.
My rear tail lights are out and i changed all the bulbs, if its a fuse problem what fuse is it do i change?
well take a look at the fuses. If one is blown take it out and replace it with the same amperage fuse. If that doesn't fix the problem then you are going to need to do some testing with a multimeter
Take a test light, ground the clip end and touch the ends of the fuses to check for power. with the key switch on, most, if not all fuses will have power to one side. ANY fuse that has power to one side MUST have power on the other end of the fuse. the fuse that does NOT have power on both ends is blown/open/defective. pull that one out and replace with equally rated fuse.
typically, fuses will go as a result of two things.
damaged wires or corroded sockets.