I think its gonna be some lamp or dimmer switch or something like that but I have a 1990 Honda Civic. When you turn the lights on there are two positions, the first I believe are your parking lights, the other the headlights for driving at night. When you click it to the first position the tail lights works fine, when you click it again to turn on the headlights, the tail lights go out. The brake lights still work though???? Any ideas? Fuses and bulbs have been checked, wiring has been inspected visibly...recent changes....driver side window replaced. Turn signals still work...could it be the dimmer??? What part controls your tail lights and makes them shine brighter when you hit the brake? Oh yeah the dash lights or gauge cluster is also out.
1990 Honda Civic Tail Lights aren't working?
ya know thats a little hard to tell but to answer your question about the brighter lights when pressing down on brake pedal the are two way bulbs(two filiments innside) one for tail and then both light up for brake....
as far as the rest goes all i can say is take a deep breath make sure your not overlooking something simple(fuse etc...)
and grab a multi meter or in desperation a test light and start going through the circuit and make sure there is continuity and power all through out the cicuit in question
good luck
1990 Honda Civic Tail Lights aren't working?
Replace the light switch